To better serve high school and community college students facing university admissions challenges caused by COVID-19, the California State University (CSU) will extend its fall 2021 priority application deadline to Dec. 15, 2020 @ 11:59 PM PST.
about 4 years ago, Sandra Jones
Board meeting will start soon, we are experiencing some technical difficulties.  thank you 
about 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
UC Application: Due to technical difficulties that many were experiencing on Nov. 29, the deadline for the UC application has been extended to 11:59 pm PST, Friday, Dec. 4.
about 4 years ago, Sandra Jones
about 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
Do you have questions on ordering School Portraits? Please call 1-866-511-3510 or 1-800-736-4753 or chat online at Make sure to mention you picture day code. This applies to pictures taken in August and our recent picture retakes on November 4th. Picture day code for August: EVTF2H4DP Picture day code for November: EVTWZ62D7
about 4 years ago, Karin Taylor
Due to limited staffing, Analy High School daily meal distribution is cancelled for Monday 11/9/20. Regular service for breakfast and lunch is scheduled to resume on Tuesday 11/10/20, 11:30 am- 1:30 pm.
about 4 years ago, Ryanesha Warren
SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD Regarding Parcel Tax Survey TONIGHT 6:30 PM; join us via zoom at for additonal login info visit
about 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
Virtual Town Hall starts in 1 hour--- Campus Consolidation---- Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
about 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
Virtual Town Hall starts in 1 hour--- Campus Consolidation---- Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
about 4 years ago, Toni Beal
Virtual Town Hall to discuss Campus Consolidation; join us via zoom at 6pm--- Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
about 4 years ago, Toni Beal
Virtual Town Hall to discuss Campus Consolidation; join us via zoom at 6pm--- Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
about 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
Reminder: Make-up Picture Day s is tomorrow November 4th! Don't forget to RSVP Please see Flyer:
about 4 years ago, Karin Taylor
Picture Day
Virtual Town Hall starts in 1 hour--- Campus Consolidation---- Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
about 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
Virtual Town Hall starts in 1 hour--- Campus Consolidation---- Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
about 4 years ago, Toni Beal
Virtual Town Hall to discuss Campus Consolidation; join us via zoom at 6pm--- Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
about 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
REMINDER... Redwood Empire Food Bank grocery pick- up at Laguna High School tomorrow, Wednesday 10/27, 10am-12pm or until its gone. Drive up on Taft Rd, fresh produce, milk and cheese, protein option, and other dry goods will be loaded for you.
about 4 years ago, Ryanesha Warren
Mark your calendar - WSCUHSD Board of Education has scheduled Virtual Town Halls - On Weds, Oct 28th and Weds Nov 4th at 6pm to discuss HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS CONSOLIDATION; plase visit our website at for more information Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 858 5390 6291 Call In Number: 669-900-9128
over 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
Tune in tonight at 6pm, via Zoom for a Special Town Hall Board Meeting regarding the District Feasibility and Operations Study. The Board wants to wants to hear from you! Reminder you must have a valid zoom account to join the meeting.
over 4 years ago, Jennie Bruneman
Pizza and Movie Night for Analy Band Wagon is tomorrow Wednesday October 21 | 11am-9pm. Please contact Janis, Analy Band Wagon Program Coordinator, with any questions, or visit our website.
over 4 years ago, Karin Taylor
Make-up Picture Day is Coming! On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Analy High School will be hosting a drive through style make-up picture day. Similar to our registration, please drive up the bus lane from the student parking lot. Pictures will be taken outside of the cafeteria in the same organized fashion as registration. A detailed map and description will be sent out a few days before the event. If you are interested in picture retakes or you still need a photo taken, please plan on attending. Please RSVP using this LINK: We have two time slots available: 11:00AM - 12:00PM or 12:00PM - 1:00PM. You can order your pictures now at using picture day ID# EVTWZ62D7 We will also have flyers in the main building at Analy for ordering if needed.
over 4 years ago, Karin Taylor