We look forward to seeing our Freshman families tomorrow for Analy High School Registration.
Please remember to complete your registration on the Aeries Parent Portal. If you have not been able to access the Parent Portal, that’s okay; we will provide paper copies of what you will need tomorrow.
Because we are expecting approximately 300 families we are hoping to alleviate the traffic congestion by staggering the times:
Last names that begin with A-F please come between 8:00-8:45
Last names that begin with G-K please come between 8:45-9:30
Last names that begin with L-R please come between 9:30-10:15
Last names that begin with S-Z please come between 10:15-11:00
If your allotted time does not work for you, come whenever you can. See you tomorrow, and It’s a GREAT day to be a tiger!

Aeries - Student Registration Update
IT Staff believe we have resolved the problem with Aeries and parent access. We are asking everyone who has experienced issues to try to login again via the parent portal at: https://portal.wscuhsd.org/aeries.net/parent
We are responding to every email submitted to info@wscuhsd.org but it is taking us some time.
Your Technology Dept Staff

Important Message from the IT Dept regarding student email addresses. Please read.

If you are having trouble logging into Aeries, we believe we have a solution. Please email us at info@wscuhsd.org provide your student name, school they attend, parent email address and contact information.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Hello WSCUHSD Families,
We are aware that you are having issues with Aeries and registering your student(s). We have several help desk tickets into Aeries and we are waiting for them to resolve these issues.
Our apologies for this inconvenience. Thank you for your patience while we work with Aeries and their help desk.
WSCUHSD Technology Dept.

Registration Volunteers Needed
Hello Analy Tigers! As you know, registration for the 2020-2021 school year is fast approaching. We are in need of some more volunteers to help. If you are willing to come prepared in your proper PPE and would like to help during our four registration days, please notify Karin Taylor, ktaylor@wscuhsd.org ASAP and advise of your availability for the following days. It would be best if you could commit to the complete shift each day. We would love as much help as we can get, but space is limited so we will handle on a first come first served basis.
Tuesday, August 4th from 8am to 1pm
Wednesday, August 5th from 8am to 11am
Thursday, August 6th from 8am to 11am
Friday, August 7th from 8am to 11am
Thanks for your support! It’s a GREAT day to be a TIGER!!!!

Special Board meeting tonight via zoom please join us if you can at 6:00 pm

If you received a call from Little Rock AK tonight about the West Sonoma County UHS District distance learning survey, that was us. Our new website and parent notification system, the company Appetegy is based out of Little Rock. Fun fact, our account manager is a graduate of El Molino High School .

Important Parent Survey - Regarding Distance Learning Options
Please take this Survey by Monday, July 27th

Hello WSCUHSD Families,
If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to fill out the Instructional Model Survey for parents/students for this coming fall 20/21.

Do you want to better understand the difference between distance learning and independent study?

Check out Superintendent Toni Beal's letter regarding the Districts Plan for Reopening Schools this fall.

Hello WSCUHSD Community
If you want to comment on tonight's board meeting, please attend via Zoom; we will call on you to provide your comments live. You do not need to submit an email with your comments before the meeting starts.
See you all soon,

Check out our draft plans for Reopening our campuses and join our Board meeting tonight on Zoom at 6pm.

Welcome to Analy High School's new Website - we're glad you're here!