Superintendent Chris Meredith

Superintendent Chris Meredith


Chris Meredith is a proven educational leader with experience bringing people together to achieve a shared vision. He was named the Superintendent of the West Sonoma County Union High School District in May 2022, and is responsible for the education of more than 1,600 students attending both Analy High School and Laguna High School collectively. In addition, WSCUHSD serves students with special education needs through the West Sonoma County Consortium. 

Prior to joining the WSCUHSD, Chris served as director of human resources for the Windsor Unified School District, where he oversaw all aspects of the department while serving as a member of the executive cabinet for the superintendent. Chris firmly believes in the process of establishing positive labor relations through building authentic relationships and clear transparency. 

Chris led the turnaround of Cloverdale High School while serving as the principal from 2017-2021. Under his leadership, the school culture improved through the implementation of an inclusive decision making process. In addition, CHS implemented 8 Career and Technical Education pathways and developed one of the best makerspaces in Sonoma County. During the pandemic, Chris worked closely with the staff to implement a 3x3 bell schedule mid year to support the students academically through distance learning. 

Meredith got his feet wet in administration as the principal of the summer Maker Education program in Santa Rosa City Schools. This experience inspired him to write his thesis on Maker Education while attending Sonoma State University. Chris then joined the Roseland School District as the founding vice principal at Roseland Collegiate Prep from 2015-2017. 

As a teacher, Chris taught physical education and business at Piner High School from 2006-2009 while also serving as the varsity head football coach. Following his time at Piner, Chris spent 6 years as a teacher and academic advisor at Ridgway High School in Santa Rosa City Schools. His teaching experience includes time spent as an adjunct faculty instructor at Santa Rosa Junior College within the Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance department. 

Meredith holds a masters in Educational Leadership from Sonoma State University, and a masters in Human Performance and Sport from New Mexico Highlands University. Chris earned his associates degree from Santa Rosa Junior College before transferring to the University of Redlands where he completed his bachelor of science in Business Administration. 

He is married to Chelsey Meredith, a registered nurse at St. Mary’s hospital in San Francisco. Together, they have two labrador retrievers and enjoy traveling during their time off. Chris and Chelsey hope to start their family soon and look forward to their children attending schools in West County someday.