Analy High School Attendance Line ➤ 824-6564
Attendance Procedures
Absences/Tardy - If your child will be absent, please contact the Attendance Office.
If your child has been marked absent by mistake, please encourage them to come by the office to pick up a Correction Slip, also known as a Pink Slip.
Failure to contact the office for any absence will result in unexcused absences, and the truancy process will begin.
Participation points in classes may be affected by tardiness or absences. Please encourage your student(s) to arrive on time for every class daily.
Tardy slips will NO LONGER be issued at the beginning of the school day. Students must go straight to class instead of to the office. Thirty minutes or more will result in an unexcused absence and may activate Truancy. Excessive unexcused absences may lead to academic issues.
Note: Detentions will be assigned for unverified tardies.
If you leave a message in Parent Square or send an email, please note that there will be a 24-48 hour delay in recording the clearance. Parent square is not the preferred method to clear absences. To ensure accuracy, please call or send a note with your student.
Permits to Leave - If you are requesting a permit to leave for your student, please send them with a signed note from a parent/guardian stating the time of departure and reason for release. Please allow at least 45 minutes to process the pass from phone messages and 90 minutes from emails. (process time may vary depending on what class your student is in and/or if they are on a field trip)
Analy is a closed Campus - Students who leave campus during school hours without a Permit to Leave will receive a cut and be subject to disciplinary action. Cuts are inexcusable. We will not accept any type of parent phone call.
Last-minute phone calls or walk-ins 45 minutes prior to the end of the school day may not be granted or cause a delay in your student’s release
Short-Term Independent Study (STIS)- STIS is available for your student for a minimum of 3 days and a maximum of 14 days per school year. A 2-week notice is required upon request. Click here for a digital form, or pick one up in the office.
STIS is only available for medical. Unexpected reasons may be expedited, such as a funeral or
unforeseen illnesses except COVID.
Note: Your student will receive unexcused absences and must complete all the work upon return. Failure to do so will impact your child’s grades.